The Superior Court of Los Angeles has certified a class action of hourly Safeway employees for Safeway’s alleged failure to allow for duty free meal breaks. The class consists of 220,000 hourly employees alleging Safeway had a policy in place through June 2007 to not pay meal break premiums even where meal breaks were provided.
Class Actions Blog Posts:
Mike Arias Finds Serious Flaws in USC’s $215 Million Proposed Settlement for Dr. Tyndall
Mike Arias represents roughly 80 women who are part of a class action lawsuit against USC claiming they are victims of
College Campus Sexual Abuse Protocols for Accused Administrators vs. Students
Campuses across the nation handle sexual abuse protocols and procedures differently when faced with allegations of
National Highway Transit Safety Authority launches Tesla probe
The National Highway Transit Safety Administration (NHTSA), the government agency in charge of regulating vehicle
Judicial Conference’s Advisory Committee on Civil Rules Announces Major Update on Multidistrict Litigation
Last month, the Judicial Conference's Advisory Committee on Civil Rules advanced a complex and long-awaited new rule