Arias Sanguinetti founding partner Elise Sanguinetti has been heavily involved in litigation against Tesla for years, pursuing claims against the EV giant for manufacturing defective vehicles.
Tesla’s recent recall of all its vehicles with Autopilot is due at least in part to public awareness made possible by the courage of the victims of the Tesla defects represented by Ms. Sanguinetti and her litigation team.
On Monday, the Washington Post featured an article surrounding Elise Sanguinetti and her team’s efforts to hold Tesla accountable for a catastrophic injury and death case in Key Largo, Florida. As co-counsel on this case, Elise has been closely involved in the litigation against Tesla for Autopilot technology failures that led to the death of Naibel Benavides Leon and seriously injured Dillion Angulo as innocent bystanders in 2019.
With mounting legal pressure on Tesla, the December 13th recall is a step towards obtaining justice for the numerous individuals who have been injured or killed as a result of defective Tesla technology, especially
Autopilot. Ms. Sanguinetti and the team litigating on behalf of Ms. Benavides’ family and Mr. Angulo held a press conference this morning where they discussed the crucial impact of the Autopilot software updates and need to implement driver monitoring, geo-fencing during Autopilot mode, and other safety precautions.
“It’s an important step towards protecting public safety” said Ms. Sanguinetti when asked about the impact of this mornings’ Tesla recall.
She went on to explain, “There are controls and technology tools that exist to increase safety for drivers, pedestrians, and other motorists. Other manufacturers currently use geo-fencing to prevent the use of Autopilot on roadways that are not designed to navigate with it properly, and driver-monitoring technology is available, but Tesla has not implemented it.”
Anyone who has been injured in a Tesla accident or who has a loved one injured or killed, should contact the Tesla accident attorneys at Arias Sanguinetti today. With almost a decade of experience litigating against this corporation and several decades litigating defective product cases, our attorneys are uniquely positioned to help obtain justice.