When you are injured in a car accident, you may need money quickly. Some insurance adjusters are betting on this need. Some adjusters may seek to minimize expenses and take advantage of your urgent financial needs by giving you a lowball offer. The best way to combat and prevent lowball offers is to have an experienced Los Angeles personal injury attorney by your side. Adjusters are far less likely to lowball a car crash victim who has retained representation. If they do, our experienced personal injury lawyers can help you recognize it and assist you in pursuing litigation to secure the financial compensation you deserve and hold the insurer accountable. Insurers have several disincentives when it comes to lowballing car crash victims with legal representation. Chief among these is the fact that lowball offers can render otherwise binding policy limits void. This means an insurer may have to pay more than the policy provides if they submit a lowball offer. Insurance companies have countless lawyers on their side – the best way to maximize your compensation and recognize their tricks is to contact an experienced Los Angeles personal injury lawyer as soon as possible
If you’re not ready to contact a lawyer, it is still important to learn to recognize the telltale signs of lowball offers and insurance bad faith. You can only pursue a claim regarding a car accident once. Accepting a lowball offer from an insurance company can leave you with decades of financial stress and can even lead to bankruptcy. It is essential to make informed decisions – contact us today.
How do I know if a California insurer has given me a lowball offer?
While not all car accidents are the same, there are some signs that tend to arise when your insurer is giving you a lowball offer or is otherwise attempting to dodge keeping up their end of your insurance agreement. These signs can include:
- Total Offer Amount Doesn’t Match Your Losses. This is the easiest way to tell if you’re being lowballed. After a car crash, you are likely to have medical expenses and personal property damaged or destroyed. This gives rise to extensive financial needs – the kind of financial needs most people can’t fulfill without help. A fair offer should cover your losses.
- Pressure to Accept. If the insurance company makes a threat such as “you won’t do any better than this,” this is a red flag that your offer may be a lowball offer.
- Ignoring Evidence. Evidence is a crucial part of establishing a claim. Some insurers may neglect to address all the evidence you submit, such as photos or videos. This can be a sign of lowballing.
- Refusal to Explain. The insurer should be able to explain how it arrived at the total that it has offered you. It should be taking the totality of your claim into account.
- Offer Comes Too Fast. When we help our clients submit a strong insurance claim, the final product is detailed and often lengthy. To truly evaluate a claim completely, it should take more than a few hours. If you get your settlement offer unusually quickly, your insurer may be seeking to take advantage of you.
The benefit of retaining a Los Angeles personal injury lawyer can be enormous in negotiations with insurance companies. Unfortunately, the truth is insurance providers are far more likely to treat you fairly if you have an experienced attorney representing you. At Arias Sanguinetti, we bring over 300 years of combined experience to our work on personal injury cases and are a well-respected name in personal injury law. We are proud that our clients reap the benefits of our reputation in insurance negotiations. Contact us today to learn how we can help.
How much does a personal injury lawyer cost in Los Angeles?
Many people’s first thought when they hear they should hire a lawyer may be to balk at the potential cost. The good news for Arias Sanguinetti clients is that we work on a contingency basis, meaning we only get paid if we win. You will never pay us out of pocket – we are paid as a percentage of any financial recovery we secure for you.
Our team has seen firsthand the strain that a car crash can cause and the relief that justice can bring. We are grateful to have secured life-changing amounts of money for clients who otherwise would never have been able to afford representation. Too many people see their claims expire because they can’t gather the funds to pursue them – with Arias Sanguinetti at your side, that will never be a problem. Contact us today to take the first step toward securing the financial compensation you deserve.
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